Thursday, August 8, 2013

A starting point

I am not certain what these younger generation principals are doing to me, but the one who just moved on and my new principal are sure that blogging is a process I need to embrace with my changing role in the Rice Lake Area School District. After 19 years of teaching 9th-12th grade Language Arts, I will be going to part time teaching and adding the role of part time High School Literacy Coach. Is this really what I want to do for the start of year 20? hmmmmmm........

I am not a particularly strong writer, in general. I am not sure exactly the direction this blog will head. Heck, I'm not really even a reader of blogs and such (I don't even have a smart phone). However, like I said earlier, I have been encouraged, I have a few extra minutes here and there in August, and what do I have to lose?

I am one who feels the need to provide background, so I guess my first few posts will try and fill-in some of that information. Then, like I heard so often in grad school, I'll "trust the process" moving forward.

Like I said before, as of May, I became one of our district's two new high school literacy coach positions. The most daunting part is that these are newly created positions, so there is really no road map to follow. We're really "jumping in" already with leading our school's literacy team and planning some professional development for staff groups this month. Considering training at Lesley University doesn't even begin until August 20th, it's been a little overwhelming, but the other coach and I are veterans in the district, strong in our reading/knowledge base, and probably have something worthwhile to offer the district. Hopefully...


  1. "Trust the Process" Two months ago, I did not dream we would be at the stage we are at currently. The opportunity to start the school year with staff that are trained in interventions to meet the needs of the students identified from past progress and assessments seems simple, but takes a lot of hard work. This hard work was completed by many, but credit is due to the former principal and both of the coaches doing the work.

    Keep up the good work,

    Curt Pacholke, Current principal

  2. Amy,

    I want you to blog for very selfish reasons. For 5 years, my conversations with you about your reflective practice were the best professional development I got! If you now move to reflective blogging, I feel like I get to continue to learn from you, even from 200 miles away!!

    I can't wait to see where you and Tya and Curt with the literacy team and the rest of the staff move the building next. I knew if I got out of the way and stopped holding everyone back, you'd take off!!

    So excited for you all. Exciting times!!

    Former Principal,

    Chad Harnisch

  3. Chad, I totally disagree with you about getting out of the way! You were the launching pad. Amy, even though I'm farther out than 200 miles - I'm a phone call/email away.
